Friday, October 9, 2009

20. Sayings Nov 20 Mon

(5:51 pm Nov 20, 2006)

"Don't plant your corn around someone else's rain." (CB Marcellus Taylor : DT Logan Collie)

(6:14 pm Nov 20, 2006)

We got ya words. Come and get em! They're going fast, get 'em while they last! Come one, come all! Get ya words right here. These are the genuine article folks. Der real ting! Made fresh and hot, just for you.

Come on folks, you will not find a better deal on genuine words anywhere on the planet. We got 'em in english and we can make some up in other languages upon request. Just send in your order and we will ship 'em out within the day. We got hot words, we got cool words, we got big words, we got small words. We even got some explosive words. Sorry, explosive words can only be ordered by those over eighteen years of age.

We got words in living, breathing colour and we got words in black and white. We got old fashioned words and we got brand spanking new words that are hot out of the oven. For that just baked freshness. Come and get 'em! They're going so fast it is getting windy around here.

(6:24 pm Nov 20, 2006)

(6:56 pm Nov 20, 2006)

Life interrupts art.

Petro is at home tonight working on a Rivendell installation. He had decided to set up his own streaming radio station and to use Rivendell for his automation needs. The plan was for it to be a hobby at the start and perhaps for all time. Any changes to the status would come down the line.

He had decided to go with an Ubuntu 6.06 Long Term Support base. Yes, the Dapper Drake was his choice for running Rivendell on. He had downloaded the CD overnight and started the install this morning before going to work. Work had proved quite busy with technical problems popping up from all corners and had kept him busy for most of the morning and into the early afternoon.

After getting home, he had pulled down the Rivendell sources from the Salem Radio Labs site and compiled and installed everything. Now, he was out searching for, downloading and importing music that he could legally play without having to pay any copyright fees. He liked to keep things on the up and up as much as he could.

(7:10 pm Nov 20, 2006)

(7:30 pm Nov 20, 2006)

Ah, time, stop it.

Loqui was over at Suzie's place tonight. They were having dinner together. Suzie had cooked up some spaghetti and tomato sauce and made a fresh green salad. The greens had just come off the farm today.

"So, Loqui, Big Byte tells me you have some new man complications brewing."

"Suzie, didn't you just get back into town this afternoon? When did he have time to tell you that?"

"Oh, he called me last night and we talked for a while."

"Sounds like you have some man complications developing your own self girl."

(7:43 pm Nov 20, 2006)

"Ya lie like you look!" (CB Wendy Graham : DT ??)

"No, girl, you know me and Big Byte are just friends, we been hanging together since the old neighbourhood days."

"So? I see how he looks at you. Complications coming Suzie. You watch what I say."

Five hundred and ninety one million, twenty three thousand, five hundred and seventy six words and counting.

What an amazing number.

"Loqui, you're good girl. You almost managed to switch things around on me there. But, it's not going to work. Let's talk about you and your new developments."

"OK... So what do you want to know?"

"What's up with you and this new guy?"

"I don't know if I can rightly say. He has been trying to talk to me for a long time, but I never would talk to him before. Then one night recently, I said hi to him by mistake before I realized it was him, things sort of grew from there."

"So... what has it grown to so far?"

"We're talking, he's nice. I can't believe I wouldn't talk to him for all this time. I don't know what got into me to cause me to act like that."

Nano and Drake laugh a bit and leave to room to find some unsuspecting people to plague with their attention.

(8:14 pm Nov 20, 2006)


"So, I think I want to spend some more time with him and see how things go. It's a bummer though, he messed up his foot the other night when we were supposed to go on our first date. He called up Big Byte and asked him to take me to dinner and then he joined us later on crutches. I've seen him a few times since, but the bad ankle is kind of holding things back some I think."

"Go on. Where did you go to dinner?"

"Now that, is weird! We went to this place that neither Big Byte or I had ever heard of, right down town."

(8:47 pm Nov 20, 2006)

"Where is it, was it nice?"

"Like I say, it's weird. I don't know where it is and yes it was nice, very nice as a matter of fact."

"What do you mean you don't know where it is? Did they blindfold you to take you there?"

"No but that might have been fun. Listen, the thing is, I know where it was, I just don't know where it is."

"Girl, now you're talking in riddles. Speak straight."

"I can't. It's gone. Ma cuz and I tried to go back a few times, At first, the door just didn't open when we knocked, the last time we tried, there was no door there. Just a blank wall. But not only no door, no trace of a door. It was an old faded wall. Seamless. No new paint."

"That's wild, so where was it then?"

"You know that little shop where your mother liked to take us when we were young? A little north of there on the other side of the street."

"Well, I know I've never heard of any restaurant there before. You sure you remember things right? You didn't have too much to drink that night did you?"

"Suzie, you know I don't drink like that."

(8:59 pm Nov 20, 2006)

"When You're Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough!" (CB Mike Pinder : DT ??)

You gotta call the doctor! Call the doctor tonight. If he's already in his bed, wake him up! Wake him up I say! It's a matter of life! And Death. Wake him up and say doctor! Say doctor, I feel poorly today. Say doctor I feel so broke, doctor so broke I can't even pay attention.

Listen to me now my friends. You gotta call that doctor, say doctor rise up outta you bed. Rise up. Say doctor I need healing. I need healing tonight doctor. Doctor rise up, and find me some of that medicine.

Friends ya gotta tell that doctor rise up. Friends that doctor took an oath. now I know some of you have heard talk of the hypocritic oath, but don't pay no mind to that talk friends. That is not the oath your doctor took. So tell him rise up and find you some of that medicine. Tell him you want some bush. Something natural. Natural for healing. Not something synthetic. Not some freeze dried medicine.

Now friends, one day maybe you was walking along, feeling good. Feeling on top of the world. Stepping light. Balanced. Walking like a cat. A wild cat on the prowl through the jungle. Walking through this life healthy and happy. Like a sure footed cat. Like a cat with silent, padded feet.

Then one day. From nowhere. One day from nowhere it hits you. Some shiny ninja flapjack almost knocks your head off. You are down and almost out.

Call the doctor!

(9:15 pm Nov 20, 2006)

Listen now. Don't delay. Call the doctor today. Right now tonight while I'm still here to encourage you. Call him on the phone. On the telephone right now.

I would tell you his number, but someone may decide to make a song from my words and putting a number in a song could get you in some big trouble. I tell you dat!

Friends, I'm pleading with you tonight, call the doctor before it is once and for all too late.

(9:21 pm Nov 20, 2006)

Now friends, I am not a fool, kinda like Jack, but I'm not drunk either. No friends, I'm not fool. You see, I know that some of you are not gonna bother to call the doctor tonight. I know that some of you are not gonna heed the warning tonight. I know that. But friends, take this advice... Don't let it be you that fails to heed this warning. No! Call the doctor! Call him right now and then come back and let me know that you got him on the phone.

Right now, don't delay. Call him up! If he's in bed, tell him to rise up! Rise up and bring healing to you life.

(9:27 pm Nov 20, 2006)

"You Can't Make a Silk Purse Out of A Sow's Ear." (CB Stella Pinder : DT ??)

And don't forget friends. Some people! Want your things! Yes they do! Call the doctor!

(9:45 pm Nov 20, 2006)

After talking for a while more at the table, Suzie had turned on the tube and the two friends settled down to watch a game and talk some more.

Gentle reader, did you see the stats the other day where a bunch of penguins beat of a top spy? And that spy was no slouch either from what I saw. It seems that I must have made the right decision when I chose to enlist Fryer Tucks into the Queen Anne's Revenge caper. Sometimes, things just seem to fall into place for you.

Speaking of the good Mr. Tucks, I have learned today that he has found himself a spot that he is very happy with. I expect to be getting excellent reports from here on out. Not that the reports so far have been in any way shabby mind you. No, they have been excellent as well. That Fryer Tucks is a real gem.

Bill Techero is sitting in a room with no windows. The lighting is tasteful and there is expensive artwork on the walls. It too is tasteful.

He sits before a hugh mahogany desk and stares at papers that are laid out neatly on the desktop.

(9:56 pm Nov 20, 2006)

Bill is going over some family business tonight.

Over in Hope Town, Ayr Danger Kyne has become somewhat of a sensation since her big splash as it were. She hadn't been hitting the sauce as much the last day or so and she had started telling more coherent stories.

I have information to the effect that people were liking her incoherent stories just fine while she was deep in the sauce, but that, since she had sobered up some, she was one her way to local stardom.

(10:25 pm Nov 20, 2006)

She was holding court under a shade tree from early in the morning when she woke up until late in the night when she finally headed off to a small field that a kind local had loaned to her until further notice.

(10:35 pm Nov 20, 2006)

People were having a hard time with her story about the events of the day of her appearance at the top of the lighthouse. Such happenings were beyond the realm of their experience. Way beyond.

Her story was her story though and, so far at least, she was sticking to it. Like white on rice.

Some local jokers were thinking that it might be fun to try and recreate the situation that the cow was describing and to see if anything unusual happened.

Let's just hope they give up the idea unless that can convince Danger as trying something without her cooperation might get a little dicey for them.

(10:49 pm Nov 20, 2006)

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