"Life is for the living so carpe diem." (CB Desiray ingraham : DT Omar Ferguson)
(2:11 pm Nov 30, 2006)
Well, gentle reader, it is the thirtieth of November in the year two thousand and six. This is the last day of the two thousand and six National Novel Writers Month and also more than likely the last day that I will be writing for you in this book 'Sayings' for a good while. I do want to try and keep writing at least something everyday though even if not at this level of verbiagalogical output. I have wanted to for the previous two years as well, but Novembers can be burn out experiences. I am hurting now. Let's hope I don't crash and burn and tomorrow find me a smoking wreak.
I want to go take a nap but I will try and keep writing. Please try and keep reading as it may encouragerize me enough to finish up quickly.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, twenty four, twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty, thirty one, thirty two, thirty three, thirty four, thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, forty, forty one, forty two, forty three, forty four, forty five, forty six, forty seven, forty eight, forty nine, fifty! Ready or not, here I come!" said Nipps.
Nano laughed, this game was really getting out of hand now. He headed off to the north at high speed. So far Nipps had found him no matter where he thought to hide. This time he decided not to try and hide anywhere. This time he decided to hide in speed. If Nipps could never get close enough to see him then he couldn't find him then could he. What a plan.
(2:23 pm Nov 30, 2006)
Bing, Boom and Drake were still following that baggage train. Well, they weren't exactly following it any more, they had grown bored and decided to catch it up and ride on the back of the last baggage car. It was a good thing that 'Two pay' had a built in ice chest fully stocked with comestibles of the type normally transported in foil down in the islands. Without that, they would all be starving.
The had talked it over, but they couldn't decide if the train was just super slow, it hadn't seemed that way when crossing the hangar last night, or if the tunnel they were now in was just super long. If the train was moving at a reasonable rate of speed, where must they be now?
(2:33 pm Nov 30, 2006)
Petro and Loqui were on their way to London. On very short notice I might add.|
Petro was at work this morning when he got a call from Chloe saying she was on the ramp out at the FBO at Windsor Field, and that he should get out there as soon as he could. He was stunned and laughed. He got her number and said that he would call right back.
"Six to one and half a dozen to the rest." (CB Hope Shelly-Ann : DT Andrea Sawyer)
Petro had called Loqui right away and let her know what was going on and asked her if she could get away if he squared things with Chloe. Loqui then laughed and said yes, why not?
Petro had called Chloe back and put his plan to her. At first he sensed some reluctance and disappointment in her voice, but it had lasted for only a second or two. She had said, sure, just get out here quick and within an hour, they were airborne and heading out over the blue Atlantic bound for England.
(2:42 pm Nov 30, 2006)
Nano was laughing to himself as he continued North at high speed, so far, Nipps hadn't found him. The haze seemed to be clearing up a bit ahead.
Nano hit his air breaks! What the... The air ahead was clear, the gently rolling hills covered with grass gave way to gently rolling hills made of piles of luggage. Bahamascare baggage handlers were "busy" unloading a huge long luggage train and piling the luggage into new hills.
Nano stopped for a while and watched in amazement.
Bing, Boom and Drake were jostled as the train came to a stop. Why were they stopping here still in the tunnel? They decided to go ahead and investigate.
(2:50 pm Nov 30, 2006)
(3:04 pm Nov 30, 2006)
Da bruddahs and Drake could see light ahead. They picked up speed and made for what they could now see was the end of the tunnel. Yes, gentle reader, they really could see the light at the end of the tunnel.|
Just as they came out of the tunnel into the light...
"Ouch! Nipps! Why do you always do that? Can't you just find me? Why do you have to go and bite me every single time you find me?"
"I don't know Nano, I just have to, I think it's in my genes or something like that. I see you there and I just have to take a bite."
"Well at least next time don't go biting so hard then. That hurts!"
"I bet it did, you deserved it this time though."
"What do you mean I deserved it?"
"Jumping slick on me like that. Trying to hide in the wind. Don't think I didn't figure it out."
"You may have figured it out, but you would never have found me if I hadn't come upon this."
"What this... Oh! What in the world is this?"
"You tell me. I have no idea. Well, I mean, I see what it is, but what is it?"
(3:11 pm Nov 30, 2006)
"Nano, do I see what I see? Are those guys really making hills out of luggage? Why in the world would they be doing that?"
"No idea, Nipps, no idea."
They heard a loud yell coming from way off in the distance in the direction of a large hill covered in grass. "That sounded like Nano!" yelled Drake. "Nano! Is that you?"
There was no response. "I'm going to see if that was Nano, are you guys coming?"
"We might as well. Let's go."
"If a fish keep his mouth shut he wouldn't get caught." (CB Dion da Butcha : DT ??)
(3:17 pm Nov 30, 2006)
(8:06 pm Nov 30, 2006)
Well, not quite a temporal black hole, more like a break. I tried to take a quick nap and then went over to band practice. Then back and a dinner that I rushed too much.
Well, gentle reader, I guess I need to back track here for you a bit and fill you in on what happened earlier. Rewind the clock mentally, I will not rewind it in fact and put in altered times, just pretend we did it and I will tell you about this afternoon.
When da bruddahs and Drake came out of the tunnel, there was a large part of the baggage train already out of the tunnel and an even larger part still in the tunnel in darkness. Handlers were already taking luggage off of the exposed baggage cars and adding them to the growing hills of luggage and starting new hills on the empty flat tarmac that stretched to the horizon where the hills ended.
Drake thought he heard Nano and called to him but got no response. He headed towards a large hill in the distance where he thought Nano's voice had come from. Da bruddahs had followed on 'Two Pay' but could not keep up which surprised them. 'Two Pay' was fast.
(8:14 pm Nov 30, 2006)
When Drake got nearer the hill, he saw Nano and Nipps rowing with one another. He increased his speed even more and swooped down and tackled Nano and the two of them went tumbling down the hill like Jack and Jill. Luckily, there were no crowns broken. No bones at all as a matter of fact.
The two ended up at the bottom of the hill, laughing and shouting. Da bruddahs landed next to Nipps and the three of them looked on as the two dragons did a little dragon celebration and started a few fires that threatened to get out of hand before they got involved and calmed things down some.
"Where did you come from?"
"What do you mean, where id we come from? Where did you go? Where have you two been?" said Drake.
"We don't know where we are, or where we went to or where we have been, except we know we came from south of here. Back that way, a long way, over vast distances of these rolling grassy hills." replied Nano.
(8:24 pm Nov 30, 2006)
"Do you know where we are?" said Nipps, "Where did you come from?"
"You see that train coming out of that tunnel over there? We came out of that tunnel, at the other end is a Bahamascare under sea air base at the bottom of the tongue of the ocean. That's where we came from. Do either of you know what's going on here? Have you been watching this long?" said Bing.
"Only what you see," said Nano, "we just got here a little before you guys found us. The best that I can guess as to what's going on is that these guys are piling luggage into hills and then covering them up with grass. But if that's what's going on, that's totally crazy. There must be so much luggage back under those hills to the south. There's just no way. Plus, what's the point?"
(8:30 pm Nov 30, 2006)
"Live the life you love, Love the life you live, And most importantly, Leave people business alone." (CB Natural Empress : DT ??)
"Time out!" yelled Drake, "Let's just all go home. We can come back here later if we want to figure out what's going on. I just need to get back to the lair and get some sleep."
"You know something," said Nipps, "I second that motion. All in favour, say Aye!"
(8:40 pm Nov 30, 2006)
"The ayes have it, let's go," said Nipps.
With Nipps joining da bruddahs on 'Two Pay' and the dragons leading the way, they small band headed back to the tunnel entrance.
(9:14 pm Nov 30, 2006)
Now that, gentle reader, was unfortunately a little time warp, temporal black hole, event horizon type event right there right then. Almost a time vacuum cleaner. Or even a time whirlpool, swirling and pulling time down to the bottom of the ocean. Perhaps even down to the bottom of the tongue of the ocean.
And as we have seen, strange things happen down at the bottom of the ocean's tongue...
And now the end is near... Less than half a thousand words to the day's goal. And then... Shut down. Soon after...
Petro and Loqui are safe in London. They are on some corner where people keep taking pictures of themselves walking across a zebra crossing.
Earlier in the day (night) they had conducted a study on the packing densities of holes. This had proved entertaining for a while.
Bill Techero, remember him gentle reader? Big Bill is sitting on his front porch. Sitting on his duho. Unfolding time that has just come in on the mailboat from Andros. From the big yard. Come in in the sacks normally used to ship Andros crabs to the capitol.
(9:37 pm Nov 30, 2006)
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, twenty four, twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty, thirty one, thirty two, thirty three, thirty four, thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, forty, forty one, forty two, forty three, forty four, forty five, forty six, forty seven, forty eight, forty nine, fifty! Ready or not, man I'm done!"
"Don't spit in the wind, it'll come back in ya face." (CB Colyn Grant, aka Mo : DT ??)
"That's all she wrote." (CB Colyn grant, aka Mo : DT ??)
Yes, gentle reader, I think I just heard Gussie start to sing.
Good night.
(9:47 pm Nov 30, 2006)
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