End Notes 01 - Sayings Used
1 "Hard head bird don't make good soup." (CB drew Roberts : DT Godfrey Roberts)
1 "Ya head aint only for growin hair " (CB Tony Kelly : DT Bert Kelly)
1 "Beas' take blow" (CB Lester Albury : DT ??)
1 "It is better to humor a fool than to be plagued by him." (CB Thomas Roberts : DT Ma Annie)
2 "A man who have one wife and gets himself another get what he deserves." (CB Nathan Sawyer : DT ??)
2 "Awe I gun tell on you!!!!!!!" (CB Dion Godet : DT ??)
2 "The higher the monkey climbs up a tree, the more he is exposed." (CB Derek Been : DT ??)
2 "You catch more flies with honey." (CB Larry Smith : DT ??)
3 "If you don't learn, you will feel... and you got some feeling to do." (CB Terrance V Arnett | DT Olive Tucker)
3 "Oil and water don't mix." (CB Leandra Esfakis : DT ??)
3 "You are around the pond." (CB Colyn Roberts : DT Blake Curry)
3 "I think the whole world is crazy except you and I, but I have my doubts about you." (CB James Roberts : DT ??)
4 "She makin' foot fo' road." (CB Jorge Bacardi : DT Harold Albury)
4 "Cromley can scull!" (CB Kim Hoggatt : DT The Family)
4 "Who's ma is your pa?" (CB Crab & Di Roberts : DT ??)
4 "First rat in the hole has his tail covered." (CB Bert Hayling : DT Herbert Roberts)
5 "Putty & Paint make the devil look like a saint." (CB Layton Roberts : DT ??)
5 "Do you walk to school or carry your lunch?" (CD Jeremy Parr : DT ??)
5 "One dog, one bone" (CB Patrick Farmer : DT John Farmer)
5 "Dem people on de Island gat a slang of dere own." (CB Janson Saunders : DT Piccolo Pete)
6 "Holy Mackral!" (CB Ann-Marie Lofland : DT David Kemp)
6 "I'm gonna slap you and spin you like a top." (CB Renee Winton - DT Ruth Roberts)
6 "A little tells you what a great deal means." (CB Sean D. Moore : DT ??)
6 "Don't let your mout carry you where your foot can't bring you back from." (CB Damian Albury : DT ??)
7 "You think you can sleep all day and howl all night." (CB Elspeth Johnson : DT Donald Joss)
7 "Live and let live." (CB: Clyde Symonette: DT Angeline Clarke)
7 "Plenty laughter, plenty tears." (CB Steve Johnson : DT Buck Johnson)
7 "What happened, your head jam eh?" (CB Damien Farmer : DT ??)
8 "Who dat?..... Who dat?..... Who dat say who dat when I say who dat?" (CB Peter Dupuch : DT ??)
8 "Purse on the floor makes you poor." (CB Michael Farmer : DT ??)
8 "Chim chim legs and thrasher hips." (CB Erskine Knowles : DT ??)
8 "What sweeten ya' mouth gon' pepper ya' tail." (CB Petura Burrows : DT ??)
9 "I feel all kerpunckle up!" (CB Ron Lightbourn : DT ??)
9 "Time longer than rope." (CB Charlotte Constantakis : DT ??)
9 "Do as I say not as I do." (CB John Constantakis : DT ??)
9 "Stop playin bey! (CB: Cindy Albury DT: Randy Albury)
10 "Ya look like "come-here-lemme-fix-ya!" (CB Randy Albury : DT Cindy Albury, lol)
10 "Every tub will have to stand their own bottom when the rain fall" (CB Vernitta Pennerman : DT Frank "Ole P" Edwards)
10 "Shut mouth catch no flies." (CB Melvina Roberts : DT ??)
10 "Straight like Crooked Island." (CB Patty Thompson : DT ??)
11 "Thas yuh business." (CB Lisa Roberts : DT ??)
11 "Bend da tree while they young." (CB Eddie Brown : DT ??)
11 "It's a fool dog who barks at flying birds." (CB Wim Toothe : DT ??)
11 "Crab don't walk - he don't get Fat" (CB Donna Davis : DT old heads)
12 "It's gonna get worse before it gets better." (CB Penny Roberts : DT Don Joss)
12 "A poor craftsman blames his work on his tools." (CB Tim Maher : DT ??)
12 "I'm bearing up chile, I'm bearing up." (CB Susan Thompson : DT Leonard Thompson)
12 "Well monkee!" (CB Andy Gape : DT Lynn Gape)
13 "You bes catch yourself!" (CB Chad Roberts : DT ??)
13 "Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise." (CB Naomi Sands : DT Bill Hayling)
13 "In times of prosperity, Good friends are plenty. In times of adversity, Not one in twenty." (CB Gerald Cash : DT ??)
13 "I never died a winter yet." (CB Fay Knowles : DT??)
14 "Loose goat don't know what tie goat feel." (CB Matthew Kelly : DT ??)
14 "Mouth could say anything." (CG Godfrey Kelly : DT ??)
14 "Its not what ya know, it's who ya know. "CB Duane Roberts : DT ??)
14 "One hand can't wash." (CB Laverne Gardiner : DT ??)
15 "I een do dat!" (CB Trevor Cuffy : DT ??)
15 "Stick with me and I ga learn ya!" (CB Caroline Albury : DT David Albury)
15 "The devil and his wife are fighting over potcake." (CB Allison Collie : DT ??)
15 "A word to the wise is sufficient." (CB Sherle Knowles : DT Kellen and Jarrod Knowles)
16 "Don't put your basket higher than you can reach." (CB Pamela Munroe : DT ??)
16 "Gal! Ya more scarce than gold!" (CB Petral Clarke : DT ??)
16 "For the want of company, in comes trumpery" (CB Stephanie Ritchie : DT ??)
16 "Bullfrog dressed up in soldier's clothes." (CB Lia Ritchie : DT ??)
17 "Fish or cut bait." (CB Eric Carlsson : DT ??)
17 "Ya can't have ya cake and eat it too." (CB Phillip Smith : DT ??)
17 "Common sense ain't common." (CB Kevin Dean : DT ??)
17 "If brains was dynamite, you couldn't blow your nose." (CB Gregory Roberts : DT Vera Smith)
18 "You're a liar!" (CB Victoria Roberts : DT Her Sisters)
18 "Don't throw away an old bucket unless you know the new one is gonna hold water too." (CB Olvin Rees : DT Andros)
19 "You can't plant sour orange and pick banana." (CB Donald Sands : DT His Daughter Stacy)
19 "Don't let somebody's donkey cost you a cow." (CB Joey Cooper : DT Aunt Ruth)
19 "Biscuit and crackers come in the same ship but different packages." (CB Hazel Thompson : DT ??)
19 "Jack drunk but he ain' fool." (CB Ricardo Thompson : DT ??)
20 "Don't plant your corn around someone else's rain." (CB Marcellus Taylor : DT Logan Collie)
20 "Ya lie like you look!" (CB Wendy Graham : DT ??)
20 "When You're Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough!" (CB Mike Pinder : DT ??)
20 "You Can't Make a Silk Purse Out of A Sow's Ear." (CB Stella Pinder : DT ??)
21 "I'm all pain up and ting mon." (CB Ronnie Kemp : DT ??)
21 "Spare the rod, spoil the child." (CB Valorie Rees : DT ??)
21 "As long as they make dye, I'll never go gray!" (CB Martha Albury : DT J.R. Albury)
21 "That gone like Sam Major wife." (CB Gerard Symonette : DT Angeline Clarke)
22 "You don't miss the water 'til the well run dry." (CB Monique Toppin : DT ??)
22 "Bahamians have black crab syndrome." (CB Nick Rees : DT ??)
22 "Kiss a whale's tail." (CB Rosemarie Johnson Clarke : DT Curtis Johnson)
22 "Don't put mouth me." (CB Tony Kelly : DT Cynthia Kelly)
23 "Nothing wrong with me that money won't cure." (CB Tony Duncombe : DT ??)
23 "Dat ain't no true!" (CB Azaleta Ishmael-Newry : DT ??)
23 "You got roach on ya bread." (CB Jeremy Knowles : DT ??)
23 "Tingum in da bush ain't got no name!" (CB Mark Hayling : DT ??)
24 "It is harder to lead a family than to rule a nation." (CB Andy Knowles : DT ??)
24 "Hog know where to rub his skin." (CB Alana Kelly : DT ??)
24 "God knows for what and for why." (CB Viveca Watkins : DT Isabele Moncrieffe Nembhard)
24 "If it ain't one thing, it's ya mother." (CG Graham Thordarson : DT Viveca Watkins)
25 "If you wanna howl with the owls, you gotta learn to soar with the eagles." (CB Robert Carron : DT ??)
25 "Here today gone tomorrow!" (CB Chris Symonette : DT ??)
25 "Even teeth and tongue bite." (CB Beryle Strachan : DT Angeline Clarke)
25 "Only shoot what you're gonna eat." (CB Glen Kelly : DT Dead Fish)
26 "Hit it ya get it!" (CB Dee Phillips : DT ??)
26 "Ya never pass nothing until ya die." (CB Dave Hanna : DT ??)
26 "Look at just come here telling been here what to do." (CB Joseph Strachan :DT ??)
26 "Big eye choke puppy." (CB Eddie Roberts : DT Da Big Eaters)
27 "Hard head, soft behind." (CB Jamal Rodgers : DT ??)
27 "Two heads are better than one." (CB Tamika Brice : DT ??)
27 "Go in da bush an bruk um, shuck em and gee um." (CB David Darville : DT ??)
27 "Gone for dat!" (CB Patrick Turnquest : DT ??)
28 "Whe you is?" (CB Janet Turnquest : DT ??)
28 "Two wrongs don't make a right." (CB Timothy Nottage : DT ??)
28 "If you have one good friend in your lifetime, you are blessed." (CB Camille Roberts : DT Jack Graham)
28 "Come clean even if you come rough dried." (CB Steven Nottage : DT ??)
29 "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." (CB Wendell Gardiner : DT Laverne Gardiner)
29 "It'll be better before you get married." (CB Gina Knowles : DT Her children)
29 "It's like deja vu all over again." (CB Monty Roberts : DT ??)
29 "True, true!" (CB Noelle Roberts : DT ??)
30 "Life is for the living so carpe diem." (CB Desiray ingraham : DT Omar Ferguson)
30 "Six to one and half a dozen to the rest." (CB Hope Shelly-Ann : DT Andrea Sawyer)
30 "If a fish keep his mouth shut he wouldn't get caught." (CB Dion da Butcha : DT ??)
30 "Live the life you love, Love the life you live, And most importantly, Leave people business alone." (CB Natural Empress : DT ??)
30 "Don't spit in the wind, it'll come back in ya face." (CB Colyn grant, aka Mo : DT ??)
30 "That's all she wrote." (CB Colyn Grant, aka Mo : DT ??)
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