(5:03 pm Nov 29, 2006)
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." (CB Wendell Gardiner : DT Laverne Gardiner)
Just getting started... Late... Suffering... And... Life interrupts art. Dogs need walking... Back soon...
(5:38 pm Nov 29, 2006)
Gentle reader, I am feeling really washed out as a result of yesterday, therefore, I may be totally out in left field for the rest of the day and perhaps tomorrow. We shall see.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, twenty four, twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty, thirty one, thirty two, thirty three, thirty four, thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, forty, forty one, forty two, forty three, forty four, forty five, forty six, forty seven, forty eight, forty nine, fifty! Ready or not, here I came!"
Nipps began his hunt for Nano. Now you may not know this, gentle reader, but playing hide and seek or kick the can, or any other game involving hiding or having certain other aspects when one of your opponents is a dragon can be very challenging indeed. Extremely challenging and this was the task that Nipps found himself faced with.
Nano and Nipps had not been found and had not figured out where they themselves were since those clouds had closed in about them yesterday. They found themselves in some hazy, indistinct place with gently rolling hills covered in waving grass. Gray, foggy-hazy clouds left the sun diffuse and almost cold.
(As an aside gentle reader, have I just discovered a great new NaNo padding trick? Or has this one been done before? Either way, I can see how it might be a life saver in certain situations.)
Now, the problem with playing these sorts of games with dragons is that they often will not restrict themselves to playing fair. How are you supposed to find a dragon who simply shrinks down out of site while you are counting instead of going and hiding like any normal player would?
(6:04 pm Nov 29, 2006)
Where did that block come from?
Let's leave Nipps and Nano to their little time killer and check in on Drake.
Drake is still flying search patterns. Ever widening search patterns. He tried calling BASRA and the US Coast Guard, but they refused to take him seriously when he reported a dragon and a sand fly lost over the tongue of the ocean. Then a thought hit him! Bahamascare! The tongue of the ocean! That underwater base! He was off like a flash. It took him a while to get back up to the tongue as he was down Inagua way when the idea struck.
Drake got over the tongue of the ocean just west of New Providence and then realised that those two soldiers hadn't actually spelled out exactly where this undersea airbase was. The headed in to Nassau to try and hunt Bing and Boom up.
(6:13 pm Nov 29, 2006)
"It'll be better before you get married." (CB Gina Knowles : DT Her children)
"Zotz, can you tell me whee to find Bing or Boom or do you know exactly where that Bahamascare base they told you about is?"
"Hey Drake. I don't know where the base is. I am not sure where those two are, but I think they may be over on PI getting a bite to eat over by the marina."
Thanks zotz, do you know which restaurant? Which marina even?"
"The new marina I think, I don't know which restaurant, but those two like deli food and burgers so try those places first. Careful in those places though. This country doesn't need you scaring off the tourists. I really don't think they would like to see or smell a dragon on their vacation."
"Sure thing zotz, I'll be careful. Thanks for the hints. Listen, I can't tell you how much I am worried for Nano, are you sure you can't do more for me to help me find him?"
"Drake, are you tired right now?"
"Zotz, I'm so tired it's not even funny."
"Right, me too. They'll be alright. I have a feeling that things will work out just fine. You may be surprised, but just keep looking."
"OK, I'm off to hunt up those soldiers."
(6:26 pm Nov 29, 2006)
(7:38 pm Nov 29, 2006)
Drake finally tracked Bing and Boom down at a little known local pub that operated out of the the old light house on the western tip of PI. I will not bother you with the details as to how he managed this feat.
"Bing, Boom, can one of you tell me how to find that Bahamascare base you two discovered the other day?"
"What tonight?" said Bing. "Why do you need to go there tonight?"
"Because NaNo and Nipps are still missing and I think that that place may be somehow related to their disappearance, that's why. Can you tell me where to find it?"
"Gee, Drake, I don't know if I could find it again at night. What do you say Boom."
"Drake, it is not gonna be easy, but I think you might have a chance if we went with you. I don't think there is any chance at all if we just try to tell you."
"Would you go with me? I have to try."
"I don't know Drake, we are both really wiped out after that rescue last night, are you sure it can't wait until the morning. The base will be easier to find in the day anyhow."
"What rescue? I need to try tonight. Please."
"It seems that Loqui and her cousin were caught in some strange storm yesterday on the way back from Pimlico and their engines and all of their electrical and electronics systems shut down on them. We came across them last night and had to tow them in. We need to sleep."
(7:57 pm Nov 29, 2006)
"It's like deja vu all over again." (CB Monty Roberts : DT ??)
"Guys come on, Nano may need my help. I gotta try find him. You're not the only tired ones either, I have been flying around trying to find him since yesterday. I am dead on my feet here too. Let's go. Now. Please!"
"Bing, let's go with him. We can crash tomorrow or the next day. I think we may be able to find it. Hey! I just had an idea Bing. You remember that captain Edgecombe who used to fly for Bahamascare but who was sort of forced to retire after that incident a long time back. I used to know his son quite well. I wonder if he knows where that base is and if so, if he would tell us."
"Boom, brilliant! Is he still alive though? Is he still around here?"
"Both, he lives out in the back of Cow Pen Road down a dirt road that end near Bonefish Pond."
"Let's go then!"
The soldiers hopped on 'Two Pay' and Drake leaped into the air and spread his tired wings.
(8:11 pm Nov 29, 2006)
Drake had a hard time keeping up with da bruddahs on 'Two Pay' but he managed. before long, they were swooping down on a little cottage at the edge of a swamp. There was a man sitting on a porch smoking a pipe and reading a book with the light from a lantern.
He looked up startled as they came into his field of vision.
"Hey captain. Remember me? Your son used to play with me years ago."
"Ya know, you do look familiar. Were you that soldier that used to win all the races?"
"Not all the races, but yeah, that was me." said Boom.
"Captain, listen, we have a problem that we wonder if you may be able to help us with."
"Always happy to help with problems if I can boys, what can I do you for?"
"It's like this. Drake here has a friend Nano who went missing yesterday in a strange storm over the tongue of the ocean. He heard that we had found a Bahamascare base down there at the tongue of the ocean the other day. Drake thinks that the the base may somehow be tied in to his buddy's disappearance."
(8:28 pm Nov 29, 2006)
(8:42 pm Nov 29, 2006)
My how time flies.
The good captain was unwilling to give away much, but he gave enough of a hint that sent them on their way. A large hint. he told them to go and line up the western point of the triangle made by the Windsor Field runways with the western tip of Lyford Cay. Then go out four point two miles from that same tip of Lyford Can and head down. He told them that that might help in their search but that he could not give an guarantees.
As soon as they had this hint, they were off like one of those proverbial bats that like to hang around the caves out in the western end of the island.
"True, true!" (CB Noelle Roberts : DT ??)
Well, the base was not on the bottom where they went down and they wondered at first if they had miscalculated or misunderstood.
It wasn't long though before they gave a silent prayer of thanks for the good captain. They were within sight of a flight path oh the planes landing.
(8:54 pm Nov 29, 2006)
When they entered the hangars to begin their search for Nano and Nipps, they were completely taken aback. The soldiers had been astounded from the outside, but from within, things were even more unbelievable.
The number of planes lined up inside were an order of magnitude greater than the number they had seen outside on the first day. What in the world could Bahamascare need with all these planes? The scale of the operations was astounding.
After looking around in a fairly aimless fashion for a short while, they saw some lights coming towards them from way down a long corridor.
The lights got closer and closer and they ducked behind some filing cabinets that were standing inexplicably in the middle of the floor near where they were.
Soon they could see that the lights were on the front of an enormous, wheeled baggage train. It was pulling hundreds of huge baggage cars with each car loaded to the brim.
(9:01 pm Nov 29, 2006)
It came out of the one corridor and across the vast hangar space only to enter another corridor on the other side of the hanger. They decided that they might as well follow it.
(9:11 pm Nov 29, 2006)
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, twenty four, twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty, thirty one, thirty two, thirty three, thirty four, thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, forty, forty one, forty two, forty three, forty four, forty five, forty six, forty seven, forty eight, forty nine, fifty! Ready or not, here I came!" said Nano.
Nano grinned as he began his hunt for Nipps. That little sucker did not give up. No wonder sand flies tormented humans and other animals so much. They just did not give up. It had taken Nipps hours to find Nano, but find him he did. Even when Nano had resorted to moving his hiding locations to ones where Nipps had already searched, shrinking down to almost nanometre sizes, becoming translucent, whatever. It did not seem to matter. Nipps just kept right on looking until he found Nano. And then, after all of that, he refused to tell how he had done it. It was frustrating in the extreme. Well, Nano planed to make up for it by finding Nipps in record time.
(9:20 pm Nov 29, 2006)
And here I must leave you tonight gentle reader. I have a project that I mentioned earlier that I have to work on for my friends in the band. It needs to be done before practice tomorrow.
Good night, gentle reader.
(9:21 pm Nov 29, 2006)
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